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The Diocese of Manchester's Public Policy Office is responsible for identifying issues of public policy affecting the citizens of New Hampshire in light of Catholic social teaching, providing information and testimony to elected officials, and providing resources for the education of the Catholic community on its social and political responsibilities. The office is assisted by the members of the Diocesan Public Policy Commission who make recommendations for the bishop's consideration regarding state and federal legislation and ways to foster public understanding of the Church's teaching on social issues.
Current Issues & Events
Environment (Caring for God's Creation)
Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Education Bulletins
Attention: Bulletin Editors
Print these education bulletins and post them on bulletin boards or include them in your weekly parish bulletins.
What Every Catholic Needs to Know About:
All Issues
Click on the links in the menu on the top left to learn about the topics that are of concern to Catholics in New Hampshire. You'll find for each topic a summary of the issue, links to our testimony and resources for more information.
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