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Catholic Women
New Hampshire Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
“Through baptism and confirmation the laity are commissioned to be apostles by the Lord Himself,…The laity can engage in their apostolic activity either as individuals or as members of various groups or associations.” Chapter V, Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity , Second Vatican Council
The NH Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (NHDCCW) is the diocesan umbrella council for all Catholic women’s groups in the diocese as well as individual membership. Today the Council's goal is to encourage all Catholic women to join through individual membership rather than through a formalized women’s group. The NHDCCW is an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women.
The Council’s role is to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. Its programs respond with gospel values to the need of the Church and society in the modern world.
The National Council with its diocesan councils are members of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO). The Holy See affirms WUCCWO as the “voice of women in the Church and as the voice of Church.” WUCCWO received from the Pontifical Council for the Laity the final decree of its canonical status as a public association of the faithful.
The mission of the NCCW and the NHDCCW is carried out through the work of its commissions. Each commission under the direction of a commission chair works to educate about issues of concerns of the Catholic women, and empower women to respond in faith and with justice and compassion.
The commission works to provide the opportunity for women without any prior organizational experience to develop confidence, organizational competence, sensitivity to the needs of others and opportunities to know and use the resources of the Church and society.
Each year the commissions provide an awareness workshop session for all Catholic women to learn about specific issues. It also provides two breakfast prayer sessions, one in Advent and another in Lent.
Church Commission
The aim of the Church commission is to create a community that is educated and dynamic. It offers means to enhance public and private prayer, promotes sound liturgical practice that is sensitive to the cultural diversity of the Church, and provides resources for spiritual nourishment and development of the faith community.
International Commission
This commission promotes responsibility for the world community through the conviction that our wealth and resources must be shared with all people. It creates global solidarity with the poor especially women and children throughout the world. ( Relation to Catholic Relief Service Programs.)
Family & Community Commission
This commission supports and enhances the importance of family life within the Church and society. It engages its members to address the needs and concerns of the poor in their own community. It addresses the pro-life issues of our society. (USCCB)
Legislation Commission
This commission provides information on both state and federal legislation that requires a response from the Catholic Community. (USCCB advocacy)
How can I join the New Hampshire Diocesan Council of Catholic Women as an individual member? The new drive is not for parish groups but individual membership.
To become a member, please complete the registration form along with $50.00 to:
Helene Beauregard
69 Pine Street
Rochester, NH 03867
The $50.00 registration fee for an individual 12- month NHDCCW membership also makes you a member of the National Council of Catholic Women and an affiliate of World Union of Catholic Women’s Organization (WUCWO):
Membership helps you:
Grow spiritually
Understand Catholic Social Teaching
Advocate for a culture of life
Promote moral solutions to societal ills
Nurture family, faith and values
Receive a copy of the bi/monthly magazine Catholic Woman
Monthly Masses
Mass is offered each month at St. Joseph Cathedral in Manchester, NH for the intentions of the New Hampshire Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. All intentions are remembered for one year. If you have someone you would like to enroll to be among those who will be remembered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered each month at St. Joseph Cathedral, please fill out the Prayer Request Form on-line and mail it to the address indicated on the form. A card stating your intention will be sent to you.
Catholic Social Teaching
On the Dignity and Vocation of Women (Mulieris Dignitatem), Pope John Paul II 1988
Letter to Women, Pope John Paul II 1997
2019 NHDCCW Lenten Morning of Reflection
The annual Lenten Morning of Reflection sponsored by the New Hampshire Diocesan Council of Catholic Women took place on Saturday, April 6, 2019 at the Red Blazer Restaurant, Concord, NH. Forty women from through the diocese shared prayer, breakfast and a presentation by Fr. Matthew Mason, Diocesan Director for Vocations. Fr. Matt spoke about the importance of witnessing to God’s mercy in daily life. Using personal stories and Scripture passages he urged participants to recall when and how they experienced mercy and think about how they can extend mercy to others.