Engaged Couples

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Engaged Couples

If you are engaged or plan to be soon, congratulations!

Preparation for the celebration of Matrimony and formation for married life is an exciting, albeit busy, time. With no shortage of things to arrange, the bigger picture of God’s plan for your marriage may be obscured amidst the shuffle. We’ve provided the resources below to help guard against that tendency. Need a “How to” guide for getting married in the Catholic Church? We’ve got you covered!

Whether the wedding is a year or a week from now, this information will help you make the most of the time you have. So, slowly, prayerfully consider the following content with your future spouse – you won’t regret it – and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions that may arise.

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Prayer Resources for Engaged Couples

Regularly welcoming God into your relationship will have profound and lasting benefits for you and your future spouse. 
Prayer Resources

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What to Expect

So you’re engaged. What’s next? The following page provides information to help you understand what to expect as you begin this new phase of marriage formation, during the months leading up to your expected wedding day.
Get Started

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Engaged Couples Enrichment

Regardless of how long you have been together, formational experiences will be of great benefit to you and your future spouse.
Engaged Couples Enrichment

page MarriagePrep FOCCUS


Take a focused look at your relationship with FOCCUS, an excellent tool that helps facilitate healthy, fruitful conversations to foster growth in your relationship.

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Married Life

The wedding bells have rung, but the ceremony and celebration are only the beginning. Check out these resources as you set about the rest of your lives together.