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Music Ministries
A Cathedral Christmas: Sing Choirs of Angels!
The Cathedral of St. Joseph Parish Choir, Diocesan Festival Choir, Diocesan Children's Choir, newly formed St. Anthony Men's Schola, Ensemble ExCathedra and the Cathedral Cantors have recorded a Christmas CD! CD's are $20 per copy and $5 for mailing (if needed). Order your copy today!
"All other things being equal, Gregorian chant holds pride of place because it is proper to the Roman Liturgy."
When the third edition of the Roman Missal was permitted for use in the dioceses of the United States, our local ordinary, Bishop Libasci, requested that all parishes in the Diocese of Manchester learn the chants contained within the Roman Missal. Musical accompaniments for the Roman Missal chants may be downloaded for free by visiting the ICEL website and/or secondary site found below:
ICEL - Music for the Roman Missal
Organ Accompaniments for the Missal Chants
National Association of Pastoral Musicians - Chant of the Roman Missal
As a result of the new edition of the Roman Missal, many parishes here in the diocese and throughout the country, have expressed a desire to "reintroduce" the practice of singing the propers of the mass, notably the Introit and Communion Antiphon. Visit the The Diocese of La Crosse (Wisconsin) Office of Sacred Worship website for a page containing music and audio files of the introit and antiphons.
Music Ministry Opportunities at St. Joseph Cathedral
"Those who sing, pray twice." St. Augustine of Hippo
2020-2021 Sacred and Liturgical Music Program for St. Joseph Cathedral
The Cathedral Music Ministry is accepting new members for several choral groups and instrumental ensembles:
Cathedral Choir - The Cathedral Choir leads, supports, and enhances the assembly's sung prayer at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday liturgy in addition to feasts, solemnities, concerts, and diocesan events. Choral repertoire consists of a' cappella motets from the Renaissance period through music of the contemporary period. The Cathedral Choir is accepting new members for all voice parts but most especially tenors, basses, and altos. The Cathedral Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Cathedral.
Download a calendar and registration form for the Cathedral Choir
Diocesan Festival Choir - Comprised from singers across the Diocese, the Diocesan Festival Choir is the primary choir for the major diocesan liturgical celebrations at the Cathedral of St. Joseph as well as throughout the diocese. There are only a few rehearsals a year which are held on Monday or Tuesday evenings at the Cathedral beginning at 7:00 p.m. All voice parts are currently being accepted.
Download a calendar and registration form for the Diocesan Festival Choir
Instrumentalists - A list is being developed of instrumentalists serving the musical needs of the Diocese of Manchester. Ideally, we would like to develop a Cathedral Brass Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, and String Ensemble to assist in serving at diocesan liturgies and events. Guitarists and percussionists would also be needed (the Cathedral currently has a set of timpani).
Saint Nicholas Schola Cantorum (Diocesan Children's Choral Program) - Established in 2016, the Schola cantor's ("school of singers") aim is to teach, prepare and form children and young adults in grades 3-10 to participate in music ministry and life long praise of God through sacred song. By focusing on singing hymns, part-singing, Gregorian chant, polyphonic and choral works, the goal of this choir is the cultivation and further development of: musicianship, sight-singing, music history, religious education, liturgical formation and the spirituality of sacred music. Based at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph, the choir rehearses weekly on Thursday afternoons from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. and is scheduled to periodically sing at the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass in addition to other liturgies, concerts and Diocesan events celebrated at the Cathedral and around the diocese. The Schola Cantorum has membership in the American Federation Pueri Cantores, the official choral organization of the Catholic Church (www.pcchoirs.org). Membership is open to any child and young adult throughout the Diocese. For additional information please e-mail the Diocesan and Cathedral Director of Music at EBermani@stjosephcathedralnh.org. Additional information may also be found below.
Saint Nicholas Schola Cantorum Announcement
Saint Nicholas Schola Cantorum Flyer
Registration Form
Chorister Handbook
St. Anthony Men's Schola - This diocesan-based vocal ensemble is geared towards men and focuses exclusively on the treasury of Gregorian chant as well as liturgical and sacred choral anthems composed or specifically arranged for TTBB voices. This ensemble sings monthly at the Cathedral at either a 4:00 p.m. Saturday Mass or 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Potential choristers must meet the director for a meeting and audition. For more information, please contact Mr. Eric J. Bermani at 603-622-6404, x31 or EBermani@stjosephcathedralnh.org.
For more information, please contact Mr. Eric Bermani.
Thank you for your consideration and for sharing your musical gifts and talents with your parish community and diocese.
Diocesan Guidelines
Diocesan Guidelines for Cantors
Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Music for the Celebration of Marriage
Guidelines for Christian Funerals, Cremation and Burial
Guidelines for Music at Funerals
American Federation Pueri Cantores
Seasonal and Topical Music Listings: A Reference for Catholic School Masses (Compiled by American Federation Pueri Cantores and the National Catholic Educational Association)
National Association of Pastoral Musicians
Gregorian Institute of America (GIA)
American Choral Directors Association
Special Notice on our Diocesan Copyright Infringement Policy
"If there is an infringement of copyright law in the Diocese of Manchester, it is the sole responsibility of the individual(s) involved to pay the fine for breaking this law. The parish, church, school or other institution must comply with the policy of the individual publishers who hold the copyrights regarding the amount to be paid for these violations." - Adopted in June of 1995