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Liturgical Celebrations

Year of Grace 2024 Poster from Liturgical Training Publications
The Catholic Church’s liturgical year of grace is so called because, through her liturgy, the Church makes present the saving events of the Lord, his passion, death, and Resurrection. This graced-filled year is an infallible teacher educating us in reverence for the time we have to live out our lives with meaning in Christ. Over the course of a year, through signs, symbols, and the sacred arts, the Lord’s mysteries unfold. The whole mystery of Christ unfolds from Advent to Pentecost, and finally to the feast of Christ the King. Then the cycle begins anew. As the liturgical year is repeated, it becomes the primary way in which the Catholic can sacralize the year, the week, and the day.1
“The liturgical year, devotedly fostered and accompanied by the Church, is not a cold and lifeless representation of the events of the past, or a simple and bare record of a former age,” writes Pius XII; “it is rather Christ Himself who is ever living in His Church” (Pius XII, Mediator Dei, #165).
Throughout the year, resources will be added to catholicnh.org to assist you in observing the major events celebrated in the Catholic Church. Click on the links below for what is available now. Subscribe to eNews to learn when new resources are available.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Nativity of the Lord / Christmas
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Chrism Mass and Distribution of Oils
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord