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Join Us for Our Weekly Series
Join us for our weekly series "The Resurrection and the Church’s Mission in the Public Square" as we journey through the 50 days of Easter by reflecting on our baptismal call to missionary discipleship.
Week 1 - The Resurrection and the Mission of the Christian
Week 2 - The "Who" of the Mission
Week 3 - The "Why" of the Mission
Week 4 - The “How” of the Mission
Week 5 - The “When” of the Mission
Week 6 - The Resurrection and Caesar
Week 7 - The Spirit and the Mission
Bishop Libasci has said that “Easter is truly the Season of the Eucharist.” To enrich the celebration of this Easter Season, the Diocese of Manchester has published a free eBook called Christ Our Passover, a collection of brief excerpts on the Eucharist from documents of the Second Vatican Council and the writings of Pope Francis, Pope Benedict, and Pope John Paul II. The eBook is designed to be used at the convenience of individuals or parishes and does not need to be read cover to cover.
DOWNLOAD our eBook, Christ Our Passover.
Additional Easter Resources
Find some additional resources for celebrating Easter by clicking on the links below.