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Finding Communion

In this new podcast, Rosemary Ford, the editor of Parable magazine and Robert Dunn, the director of Public Policy for the Diocese of Manchester will discuss politics, the Eucharist and the common good, expanding on themes readers will see in the latest editions of Parable, the magazine of the Diocese of Manchester.

promo findingcommunion ep8In this episode of Finding Communion, Rosemary Ford, editor of Parable Magazine, and Robert Dunn, Diocesan director of Public Policy speak about the importance of faith and reason in Catholic Social Teaching.

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promo findingcommunion ep7In this episode of Finding Communion, Rosemary Ford, editor of Parable Magazine, and Robert Dunn, Diocesan director of Public Policy raise the question of the common good: what is it and why does it matter to Catholics?

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promo FindingCommunion ep6In Episode 6 of Finding Communion, Rosemary Ford, editor of Parable Magazine, and Robert Dunn, Diocesan director of Public Policy take a look back on House Bill 1283 and the successful effort to prevent the legalization of assisted suicide in New Hampshire.

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promo FindingCommunion ep5This fifth episode in the series explores the question "how do love and Catholic social teaching work with politics and the way we choose our elected representatives?"

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Promo FindingCommunion S1E4

This fourth episode in the series explores the question of whether Jesus would align with the Republican or Democratic party if he had lived in our times.

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promo FindingCommunion S1E3This third episode explores the question about why the Church does not endorse political candidates.

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promo FindingCommunion S1E2This second episode explores the question about why the Eucharist is political.

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promo Podcast FindingCommunionThis first episode explores the connection between the Eucharist and Politics.

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Living Our Faith

This podcast series that focuses on showcasing Catholic ministries that make a difference in New Hampshire and the world.

promo LivingOurFaith TotusTuusIn this episode of Living our Faith, our host, Alana Babineau (Campus Minister at Trinity High School, Manchester and Youth Minister at Ste. Marie Parish, Manchester) is joined by Totus Tuus missionaries Rachel Statz and seminarian Casey Burgess to discuss the blessings of this summer program that serves the Catholic youth of New Hampshire.

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promo Living Our Faith ep4In this episode of Living our Faith, parishioners and students from Concord discuss their experiences growing up and learning together in a Catholic environment. The host, Fr. Rory Traynor, is joined by Jennifer Albee (Coordinator of Young Disciples, Christ the King Parish), along with recent graduates of St. John Regional School.

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promo LivingOurFaith ep3Young men are invited to attend our Quo Vadis Camp from July 29 to August 2 at Saint Methodios Faith & Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH. Spend time with others your age considering the Lord’s call in your life while having lots of fun! Learn more and register online at catholicnh.org/vocations-events.

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promo LivingOurFaith episode2For the first time in 83 years, Catholics across the United States will gather for the National Eucharistic Congress between July 17–21, 2024. This is the 10th event of its kind, designed to spark a personal and public revival of the faith. Dozens of folks from the Diocese of Manchester plan to attend, including a local group of sisters, who will embark on a two-month pilgrimage to the Congress in Indiana.

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promo LivingOurFaith episode1In this first episode, Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas, serving 255 million people worldwide in over 122 countries. Find out how you can be a part of this life-changing ministry right here in New Hampshire, from rice bowl almsgiving to volunteerism.

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