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Support Vocations
Jesus said, "Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.’" Mark 1:17
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In the Gospel of Mark, we learn about Jesus’s first call to the disciples as they are harvesting waters for fish. In Mark’s account, these first disciples (Andrew, John, James, and Simon) abandon their nets solely at the invitation of Jesus. They heeded his call and abandoned their families and former ways of life. Where would we be if they had not listened to the call? If they, as young men, had not discerned his voice?
In much the same way, our Diocese would certainly be in a far different place without our own new disciples learning and hearing his voice, our seminarians. These eleven men have also heard his call and are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. Our prayers are needed for them to nourish their souls and become our future priests.
But we can also do more than pray. We can witness holy men in our lives who may have a gift and may not yet have heard the call. Encourage them, pray for them too, and perhaps you can help them answer the call to a holy vocation.
Additionally, this weekend I also ask for your financial support for our seminarians. Each year, the diocese spends around $500,000 on tuition and room and board for our seminarians. A gift of $100 will almost cover the cost of educating one seminarian for one day. Could you donate enough for one day — or even a half-day? One hundred percent of your generous contribution to the Fund will go to support our seminarians as they continue on their journeys of discernment.
I am deeply grateful to you and to all our parishioners who join together to assist our seminarians with prayers, encouragement, and financial support. Without your help, we simply would not have the means to finance our seminarians’ formation.
As always, I ask God to bless you for your generosity, and I thank you for all you do for the Church here in New Hampshire.
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci, D.D.
Bishop of Manchester
Pray for Vocations
Please pray for each of our seminarians by name and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in New Hampshire.
Prayer for Vocations
Lord Jesus, as You once called the first disciples to make them fishers of men,
let your sweet invitation continue to resound:
Come, follow Me!
Give young men and women the grace of responding quickly to Your voice.
Support our bishops, priests, and consecrated people in their apostolic labor.
Grant perseverance to our seminarians and to all those who are carrying out the ideal of a life totally consecrated to Your service.
Mary, Mother of the Church, the model of every vocation,
help us to say "Yes" to the Lord
Who calls us to cooperate in the divine plan of salvation. Amen.
Simple Steps to Support Seminarians
Pray: Pray for our seminarians by name. Say the prayer as a family, a group, or on your own.
Encourage: Encourage those you know who might be called to priesthood or consecrated life to consider such a vocation, and to contact the Vocations Team for more information.
Give: Make a donation to the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal. Interested in planned giving? Contact Bevin Kennedy at bkennedy@rcbm.org or 603-663-0136.
#ThinkingPriesthood? We Are!
Are you or someone you know discerning a vocation to the priesthood? Fr. Christopher Martel, Director of Vocations, along with Fr. Volney DeRosia and Fr. Charles Pawlowski, our Assistant Directors, are available to offer advice and support to men interested in becoming a priest, and to accompany those in the process of discernment.
Check out www.liveinblackandwhite.com for more information on vocations to the priesthood and religious life as well as upcoming events. You can contact Fr. Martel directly by emailing cmartel@rcbm.org, or calling him at 603-663-0196. We look forward to hearing form you!
Meet Our Seminarians
The Diocese of Manchester is blessed to have eleven men currently on their own journeys of holiness and discernment towards the priesthood. Though they share a common desire to serve the Lord and his Church, they come from different backgrounds and areas of our state—and even from different countries!
You can get to know our future priests by visiting www.catholicnh.org/stories and viewing our series of video interviews with our seminarians.