OCIA Adapted for Children

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OCIA Adapted for Children

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the norm for initiation of all adults; it applies also to children of catechetical age (generally age seven) since under our Code of Canon Law they attain the status of adults at the age of reason in regard to sacraments of initiation. (OCIA 18) Thus, any unbaptized child over the age of reason, who desires to become Catholic participates in the Christian Initiation process which leads them to the celebration of the three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (Holy Communion). The OCIA process is adapted to meet the specific needs of children and youth.

CLICK HERE to watch videos from the OCIA Adapted for Children Formation Day that was held at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Meredith, NH. 

PowerPoints and Handouts from Formation Day that accompany the Video above:

  1. Martha Drennan – Nuts and Bolts of OCIA Adapted for Children
    1. PowerPoint: Nuts and Bolts of OCIA Adapted for Children
    2. Catechumenal Flyer
  2. Karen Hettrick & Rachel Keena
    1. Catechizing and Supporting Parents
    2. Order of Christian Initiation Survey for Children/Youth

    3. Parent Interview Process for Youth OCIA

  3. Martha Drennan – Preparing and Celebrating the Rites with Children
    1. PowerPoint: Preparing for and Celebrating the Major Rites with Children
    2. Rite of Entrance into the Order of Catechumens Adapted for Children
  4. Karen Hettrick & Rachal Keena
    1.  Looking at Curricula and Resources
  5. Martha Drennan – Preparing your OCIA Calendar for the Year
    1. PowerPoint: Preparing Your OCIA Calendar for the Year
    2. SAMPLE-OCIA Participant Schedule w CFD References & Handouts