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Catholic Education Advisory Council
The Mission of the Council
The mission of the Catholic Education Advisory Council is to further the advancement of quality primary and secondary Catholic education in the Diocese of Manchester by serving as the main consultative body on school affairs to the Bishop and the Superintendent of Schools. The Council promotes a strong Catholic identity in the schools, recommends policy, offers financial advice, serves as a public relations resource, and encourages and facilitates strategic planning and development.
Membership on the Council
The Council includes voting members as well as ex-officio members who do not vote. The non-voting ex-officio members are the Superintendent and Catholic Schools Office staff. The Council has no fewer than fifteen (15) and no more than twenty-five (25) voting members, comprised of the laity, religious, and clergy. The Council endeavors to have representation from each deanery within the Diocese and to invite to the Council individuals from a variety of backgrounds, occupations, and professions.
The Members of the Council
Daniel J. LaPlante, CFA, chair
Rev. Richard Dion
Laura El-Azem
Very Rev. Christopher Martel
Doug McGinley
David Soucy
Shannon Sullivan
Edward Walsh
David Thibault, Superintendent of Schools (ex officio)
Alison Mueller, Director of Marketing, Enrollment, and Development (ex officio)
Sr. Mary Rose Reddy, DMML, Director of Catholic identity and mission (ex officio)