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Child Abuse Awareness Training for Adults
Keeping Children Safe
As part of our commitment to providing a safe environment for all children, the Diocese of Manchester requires special training for all adults who work with youth.
All clerics and members of religious institutes assigned to parishes, schools, and diocesan institutions, and all employees and volunteers who regularly work with minors must participate in child abuse awareness training. Training is primarily provided through the Safe Haven Online Training Site. Protecting God’s Children live workshops are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Both options are free to clergy, volunteers, employees, and parishioners of the parishes, schools, camps, and other institutions of the Diocese of Manchester.
Training covers the following topics:
Signs and symptoms indicating that a child may be abused
“Red” flags that abusers may display
The grooming process
Prevention of sexual abuse by Church personnel
Policies and procedures for reporting allegations of abuse
How to respond appropriately to disclosures of abuse
Internet safety and responding to internet related concerns
Appropriate boundaries in ministry
Safe Haven Online Training
Online training is available 24 hours a day and is accessible from any computer.
To access the training, go to: manchester.cmgconnect.org. Click on ‘Register for a New Account’ and provide the requested information. Once registered, click on ‘Start Curriculum.’ The steps you need to complete will be listed on the left hand side of your screen and you must proceed in the order in which they are listed. Once you have completed the training, you can print your certificate from the training dashboard.
Protecting God's Children Training
Through 2011, live Protecting God’s Children training sessions were presented throughout the diocese on a regular basis. At this time, these live sessions are only scheduled on an “as needed” basis. If there is a need in your parish/school, please contact Cinzia Broketa.