Circles of Care

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Circles of Care

In the Fall 2006, the Diocese began to include a personal safety component in the curriculum of its Catholic schools and religious education programs called Circles of Care. The curriculum addresses age appropriate personal safety issues for children and youth and is introduced in the context of Catholic moral teaching. 

Circles of Care Teaching Tips 

Overview of Children's Lessons

Circles of Care Lesson Plans

PreK - Kindergarten 
Grade One 
Grade Two 
Grade Three 
Grade Four 
Grade Five 
Grade Six 
Grade Seven and Eight 
Icebreakers for High Schoolers 
Grade Nine - (en Español) 
Bullying - Harassment Lesson - High School (en Español) 
Hazing Lesson - High School  (en Español) 
Relationships Lesson - High School (en Español) 
Relationships Lesson Worksheets 
Sexting Lesson 
Sexting Lesson Plan - Appendix A 
Sexting Lesson Plan - Appendix B 
Sexting Lesson Catechist Guide 
Family Lesson (for parents and children in grades K-8)

Circles of Care/Netsmartz Forms and Resources

Preface to the Circles of Care Program 
Declination Form 
Classroom Attendance Sheet - Catholic Schools 
Classroom Attendance Sheet - Parishes 
Tally Sheet - Catholic Schools 
Tally Sheet - Parishes 
Child Abuse Prevention Flyer 
Circles of Care Posters 
Parent and Teacher Resources 
About the Authors