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Infertility, Miscarriage, & Loss
“The Church pays great attention to the distress of infertile couples, she cares for them and for this very reason encourages medical research. Science, however, is not always able to respond positively to the desires of numerous couples. I would therefore like to remind spouses in a condition of infertility, that this does not thwart their matrimonial vocation. Spouses are always called by their baptismal and matrimonial vocation itself to cooperate with God in the creation of a new human life. The vocation to love is in fact a vocation to the gift of self, and this is a possibility that no physical condition can prevent. Therefore, whenever science finds no answer, the answer that gives light comes from Christ” (Pope Benedict XVI, To Participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, 2/25/12)
Resources for Those Struggling with Infertility, Miscarriage, & Loss
CMC Women’s Wellness and Fertility Center
The Women’s Wellness and Fertility Center is the first and only practice in New England wholly dedicated to providing OB/GYN care and restorative reproductive medicine consistent with the Religious and Ethical Directives of Catholic Healthcare Standards. Women and couples finally have a local resource for reproductive care that honors their practice of the faith.
DOWNLOAD a brochure
Women's Wellness & Fertility Center in Manchester, NH | Catholic Medical Center
Catholic Charities New Hampshire Mental Health Counseling Services
Mental Health Counseling Services provides flexible mental health counseling to help you gain the skills necessary to better cope with difficult situations, find a great sense of peace and improve your overall quality of life. No matter where you live in New Hampshire, it is easy to connect with Counseling Services through either our teletherapy or in-person services (Lebanon and Lancaster).
Mental Health Counseling Services | Catholic Charities New Hampshire (cc-nh.org)
Springs in the Desert
Springs in the Desert accompanies those struggling with infertility by offering a place of respite and solidarity where they can know God’s love for them and discover His unique call to fruitfulness.
Springs in the Desert | Catholic Infertility Ministry
The Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents
The Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents (EMGP) serves the spiritual needs of parents whose children of any age have died by any cause. As Jesus joined his distraught disciples on the road to Emmaus, EMGP focuses on Jesus’ presence in the struggle and horrendous journey of grief every day. EMGP serves in the Franciscan tradition of “All Are Welcome.”
Red Bird Ministries
Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic, pro-life/pro-family grief support ministry that focuses on bereaved families who have experienced child loss of any age and circumstance, including pregnancy loss through miscarriage and stillbirth, and after birth as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult. While we operate as Catholics our ministry serves anyone who has experienced the loss of a child.
Project Rachel Ministries
If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential, non-judgmental help is available from Project Rachel Ministry. Call or email - Phone: 603-663-0192; email: ProjectRachel@rcbm.org - for Project Rachel in New Hampshire. Spanish speakers may visit EsperanzaPosAborto.org.
Project Rachel - Diocese of Manchester (catholicnh.org)
Present in the Pain
Present in the Pain is the apostolate ministry of Eileen Tully. A bereaved mother herself, Eileen understands the unique pain that comes from losing a child and offers a free online support community, an online video retreat, a podcast, and a prayer book called Praying with Our Lady of Sorrows as well as other tools to help mothers to lean into their Catholic faith to process and heal from their pain.
Visit EileenTully.com for more information.